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의학 저널 투고를 위한 논문 초록 작성법

의학 저널 투고를 위한 논문 초록 (Abstract) 작성법

대다수의 사회학, 행동학, 생물학 및 임상 학술지는 다음과 같은 네 가지 주요 제목으로 구조화 논문 초록 형식을 따릅니다:

의학 저널 논문 초록(Abstract) 샘플

의학 저널 구조화된 초록에 대한 가이드라인*

항상 투고할 저널의 형식 가이드라인을 따라야 합니다.

초록 작성에 유용한 용어 및 문구

OBJECTIVE: 연구 목적이나 주제를 제시합니다 (1-2 문장)

자주 사용되는 동사To/We aimed to/The objective of this study was to… analyze, ascertain, assess, characterize, collect, describe, determine, establish, evaluate, examine, explain, identify, investigate, measure, present, produce, validate
자주 사용되는 문구 The role of [method/item], a reliable and valid measure of [item/quality], the process undertaken in [procedure], the degree of [item/quality being measured], the amount/number of [item], the outcome of [therapy/procedure], the differences in the quality of [variable being measured]

METHODS: 연구 방법을 설명합니다 (1-3 문장)

연구/분석 유형We conducted a qualitative analysis of…”; “A three-year longitudinal study of diabetic patients was performed…”; “We conducted a systematic review searching databases for…”; “We interviewed 34 Dutch general practitioners…”
환자 샘플 그룹에 대한 설명All cancer patients >40 years of age were eligible for the study”; “We analyzed data of the American Project on Patient Evaluation of Palliative Practice Care (APPEPPC)”; “Elderly patients with late-stage Alzheimer’s disease were identified…”; “Sample groups were limited to patients with a history of smoking”
배경/장소 “…in hospitals around the State of New York…”; “…at urgent care centers in three hospitals in Taipei, Taiwan…”; “…at Pyeongchang Regional Care Facility…”
참가자 수/연구 기간“We surveyed 2,136 patients over the course of three years…”; “The frequency of consultations, symptoms, presentations, referrals, and prescription data during the four years prior to diagnosis were recorded…”
통제“Age- and sex-matched controls were identified…”

 RESULTS: 확보한 데이터를 요약합니다 (3-6 문장)

자주 사용되는 동사와 구문“participated in the study/completed the treatment”; “changed/did not change significantly”; “had greater/lesser odds of…”; “were associated with…”; “response rate was…”; “The likelihood of ____ was found to be increased by…”; “adverse events occurred…”; “[number/kind of outcomes] were identified, including…”; “was/was not associated with…”
정량적 결과“Symptoms of…were reported by 3,811 (80%) of 4,764 patients”; “Patients refusing antibiotics increased 23% from 2013 to 2016”; “One in four infants were kept at the hospital longer than two days”
정성적 결과“Many patients reported a long history of chest infection”; “Doctors reported generally high levels of workplace satisfaction”; “The results of the physiotherapy analysis were reproduced”

CONCLUSIONS: 주요 결과를 설명합니다 (2-5 문장)

결과 분석“This study confirms that…”; “[Result] indicates that…”; “…leads to fewer prescriptions for…;” “…was reliable/accurate”; “…is safe/well-tolerated/effective
의학/연구 분야에서 시사점 “…valid and reliable for routine use”; “…is drastically decreased after transplantation”; “…may result in functional improvement of the…”; “Our preliminary results indicate potential benefits of using [procedure/drug] in this group of patients”
광범위한 시사점“…which could increase the number of potential liver donors”; “antibiotic-resistant strains are an emerging threat”
추가 제안사항/한계점“Additional studies on [area of study] are recommended to [aim of additional research]”; “However, this evidence should be further assessed in larger trials”; “This diagnostic accuracy may not be generalizable to all office laboratories”

관련 자료

글 작성 후 전문가의 검토가 필요하시다면, 언제든지 저희 영문교정 서비스를 이용해보세요!

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