안녕하세요, 학술 영문 교정 서비스 에세이리뷰 입니다.
저자분들께서 쉽게 커버레터를 작성하실 수 있도록 커버레터 템플릿과 샘플을 준비하였으니 저널 투고 시 활용하시기 바랍니다.
[커버레터 샘플]
Edith Warshaw, PhD.
Editor-in-Chief/Managing Editor/Co-Editors-in-Chief Awesome Science Journal
Cincinnati, OH 41073
June 24, 2016
[학위 (if any)] [직급]
[해당 저널 주소지]
[제출일 : Month Day, Year]
Dear Dr./Ms./Mr. [예: Warshaw],
[에디터의 Last name(성)]
I am writing to submit our manuscript entitled, [예. “X Marks the Spot”] for consideration as a [예. Journal of Education] [예. research article]. [예. We examined the efficacy of using X factors as indicators for depression in Y subjects in Z regions through a 12-month prospective cohort study and can confirm that monitoring the levels of X is critical to identifying the onset of depression, regardless of geographical influences.]
[문단 1: 도입]
[원고 제목, 저널명, 원고 종류]
첫 번째, 두 번째 문장을 통해 연구 계획, 논지, 적용 방안, 주요 성과 및 결과를 요약해서 나타내야 합니다.
Given that [예. there has been an alarming increase in depression rates among teenagers coupled with a lack of any uniform practical tests for screening students], we believe that the findings presented in our paper will appeal to the [예. education policymakers] who subscribe to [예. The Journal of Education]. Although [예. prior research has identified a few methods that could be used in depression screening, such as X and Y, the applications developed from those findings have been cost-prohibitive and difficult to administer on a national level]. Thus, our findings will allow your readers to [예. understand the factors involved in identifying the onset of depression in teenagers better and develop more cost-effective screening procedures that can be employed nationally.]
In doing so, we hope that our research [예. advances the toolset needed to combat the concerns preoccupying the minds of many school administrators.]
[문단 2: 연구 목적 및 해당 저널에 대한 연관성]
연구 동기, 독자 프로필, 저널명, 이전 연구의 업적과 차이 논의, 해당 연구와 저널의 목표 연관성 설명, 해당 분야의 연구에서 더 광범위하게 사용될 예상 효과
This manuscript expands on the prior research conducted and published by [예. Dane and Stellers] in their paper [예. “The Expanding Universe”], published in [예. Wacky Science Monthly, 2004]
This manuscript [examines a different aspect of] 혹은 [takes a different approach to] the issues explored in the following papers:
- [예. Steinburg, Diane and Jim Baker. “New Methods of Hair Curling.” The Journal of Cosmetology. 2010].
- [예. Fossey, Julia. “Heat-to-water Ratio for Shampooing.” 2012].
[문단 3: 비슷한 연구 사례]
[저자명, 논문명, 해당 원고가 출판된 저널명]
*레퍼런스 작성 시 항상 저널(APA, AMA, Chicago, etc.)에서 요구하는 형식을 갖춰야 함
Should you select our manuscript for peer review, we would like to suggest the following potential reviewers/referees because they would have the requisite background to evaluate our findings and interpretations objectively.
- [예. Ehab Makaway, University of Texas, ehabmakaway@utex.edu, Prof. of Endocrinology]
- [Name, institution, email, expertise]
TIP: Include 3–5 reviewers since it is likely that the journal will use at least one of your suggestions
[문단 4: 예상 리뷰어]
[이름, 소속기관, 이메일, 전공분야] [이름, 소속기관, 이메일, 전공분야]
Each named author has substantially contributed to conducting the underlying research and drafting this manuscript. Additionally, to the best of our knowledge, none of the above-suggested persons have any conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise.
If you require any additional information regarding our manuscript, please do not hesitate to contact us direrctly via the resources below. Thank you for your time and consideration.
[Journal Editor’s First and Last Name]
[문단 5: 추가 정보 요청 시 안내]
Dr. Jane Doe
[대표 저자 이름]
Profs. John Spencer and Debra Abrams
The University of Wall Walla
Walla Walla, WA 82234
Tel: 1-313-555-3058
[공동 저자 이름(s)]
[기관 주소지]
[발신인 이메일 주소]
[전화번호 #]
▶ 글 작성 후 전문가의 검토가 필요하시다면, 언제든지 저희 영문교정 서비스를 이용해보세요!
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